Brook's National Review Summary Report particularly looking at experiences of young people of diverse heritage
Brook have released their National Review Summary Report 2023-2024 into the experiences of young people of diverse heritage accessing sexual health information. Brook chose to focus on the experiences of young people from Black and Asian communities due to the existing evidence that a number of inequalities in sexual health disproportionately impact people from Black and Asian communities including poorer access to contraception. Check out the report to find out more about Young Peoples experiences and where they are accessing information about Sexual Health.
Big Period Lesson with Lil-Lets
The Big Period Lesson is back! Brook has teamed up with Lil-Lets once again to provide a free, online lesson aimed at years 6 and 7 on Thursday 20 March. Led by Brook experts, the lesson will cover the menstrual cycle as well as how to manage the physical and emotional changes young people will experience as they go through puberty.
Register for the lesson now, then join the live interactive broadcast at 10am on Thursday 20 March.
Tax Facts by HMRC
Free resources and lessons designed by a team of educational experts, Tax Facts is curriculum-linked, available to teachers to support young people as they plan for future life and work by building essential life skills. Split into 2 set of resources for different age groups-
Junior Tax Facts – for children aged 8 to 13 – introduces the idea that as responsible citizens, we all make contributions towards the things that benefit everyone.
Tax Facts – for students aged 14 to 17 – equips young adults with what they need to know about tax as they prepare for the world of work, the role their tax plays in the wider community, as well as who HMRC are and the different careers they offer.
Plus, you can request a visit from an HMRC employee to help deliver the lesson in class, making it an even more valuable learning experience for students – not to mention help achieve Gatsby Benchmarks!
To be find out more and be able to access and download everything you need to deliver a full lesson as well as a
full suite of free, curriculum linked resources please visit the national schools partnership website here.
A film performed by teenagers for teenagers
Trauma Informed Schools have radically rethought how mental health is taught in secondary schools. 'What every teenager needs to know about emotions, relationships and mental health' is a ground breaking film supporting delivery of mental health component of the PSHE curriculum; educating all, and particularly supporting teenagers with mild to moderate mental health symptoms. A film performed by teenagers for teenagers, it is designed to be watched by whole year groups from Year 8 upwards alongside support from emotionally available adults.
For more information download the information booklet and sign up to recieve a notification when the film is released.
Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning
Welcome to Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning. This is an umbrella organisation for Gloucestershire Healthy Schools and Gloucestershire Healthy FE (Further Education).
GHLL was launched in July 2012 for schools and colleges across Gloucestershire, supported by Leading Teachers.
Funding is through Public Health and by Gloucestershire County Council. Schools and colleges are offered this supported intervention at no cost.